Monday, 16 May 2011

It begins

Ladies,Gentlemen,boys,girls and undecided(check your pants) I am the Immortal K.Don't ask I just thought It sounded cool.I assume that answers question 1.Second question where does the name In sane we trust come from well as you'll incredibly quickly learn I'm a pretty big otaku as well as a sci-fi fan and gamer.Well the name In sane we trust comes from a manga chapter of the series bleach.starring the evilest good guy ever mayuri kurotsuchi.I'd get into it but trust me,I will one day.Also I just sounds cool and will become very appropriate

Third question Why did I make this blog? Well First reason is a simple I'm a bit of a whore.What I mean to say is I have a youtube channel that I occasionally Use to crank out fan vids and possibly in the future video discussion reviews and even let's play if I ger really bored.Also There is no real time table for releasing stuff so For vids just enjoy what I have up and assume I may or may not be working on one at the time.My youtube name is victoryofthedaleks but I'll get into that in a minute.

Second reason is simple I just need a place for simplistic and rational....well sometimes discussion and anything from the gaming console wars,doctor who,my favorite anime series,doctor who,the current music scene,doctor who,and even possibly doctor who!......yeah my first one will be on doctor who but again I'll get into that.

Also one more thing My release for these posts are kind of random so It kind of just depends on when I get the Idea for doing it or what have you so again just enjoy what I have up and you'll just be surprised when I release these.Also not on twitter.....And won't be and forced on to facebook....I'll get into why again evantually. So ladies,gentlemen,boys ,girls,and others( I said check your pants evidence has to be there!) enjoy the show wheneever I get to it