Day 21 Best story
Breath of fire 2
This is the first rpg I ever played And It's also one of the first games where the twist really did work to me.
I know near the beginning of the game it was repeatedly said with an eerie demon or two saying give your energy to god but I did not call st eva being the final boss of the game nor did I expect it to look like this....
JESUS! Seriously this is the coolest boss design ever look at this thing.But yeah you see my point
Day 22 A sequel that disappointed me
dead rising 2
Oi this was a bad one.I never owned or even played the first one but I did see someone else play it a friend of mine,and It looked kick ass.And hey I love zombie games what did not look awesome.I got this a few years back right after it came out and it was awesome.....for about 5 minutes.The plot is okay but the gameplay is disgustingly repetitive and the time limit turned the game into a clusterfuck.Seriously you're given like twenty things to do and not enough time to do it.And the fact that you have to find medicine for your daughter makes it worse.Cause you want to find it for her but time is tense and either you can't and feel like ass or do and miss out on missions.
And I never even beat the game cause the final boss is insane.Some guy with a gun......yeah that gun makes it so that you can't get close and oh yeah he has waaaaaaaaaay too much health.this game.......(Clears throat) SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKSSSSSS!!!!