Saturday, 28 December 2013

Top 10 games of 2013.

2013 has been a damn great or at least a damn fascinating year for all gamers. The releases of both the ps4 and the xbox one. A new pokemon game. And two games people won't shut the hell up about....uh we'll get into them later. But starting off at number ten we have...!

Number ten: Guacamelee

This was an enjoyable little metroid-vania style game. A stereotypical Mexican theme alongside the pretty satisfying combat makes this game very one of a kind despite being a fairly simple and generic super metroid style game. The comedy is one thing that really kept me going on this one. for example

If you aren't at least intrigued after that screen I don't know what to say.

Number 9: DMC

While my opinion of this game may have lowered a touch during this year I will say that I still think this is the second best game in the franchise with 3 beating it. The combat is still rather enjoyable. The soundtrack fitting and again very enjoyable to me, And yes I do like most of the characters. I'll say that the dialogue can get a bit.....I'll say excessive with the whole gritty thing but I do still find everything enjoyable and I still say it's a worthy devil may cry game. also just want to say the whole Donte thing is so dumb. Think about it written it looks like it's pronounced the same as Dante. Since there is no ' So good call there internet....sorry what was I talking about?....oh yeah. the game Itself is fine and that's about it right there.

Number 8: A link between worlds

This is the second biggest surprise this year with the biggest coming later. I was never a fan of link to the past. Something about it just bored me. This game on the other hand while being in the same world and for a game that could be considered a re imagining of the first I'm stunned with how much I enjoyed this. This game is very old in style but it adds enough to the formula to become very interesting nonetheless. The new if very controversial weapon system of not getting Items in dungeons but having access after the first dungeon adds some odd life into the game. It's weird but still very enjoyable and one of my favorite 2-D style zelda games.

Number 7: The last of us

So I like DMC, I don't like link to the past and the last of us is not my favorite game of the year....I think I'm now trying to piss the internet off. But yeah this only makes number 7 for a reason. While I do think that the combat and general structure of the game is incredibly solid. the story is book ended with meh. The start was boring up to a point. And the end....Well the less I say about the end the better. but in between was quite good and as I said the game deserves a spot on a top ten list. Again not the best game this year to me and nowhere near the best game of all time.

Number 6: Bioshock infinite

When I mentioned earlier the two games people won't shut up about I was of course referring to the last of us and this game. and much like last of us I think this game has a lot of good points but I just don't get How so many people went nuts. The game play was enjoyable but was a step back from the first bioshock by removing hacking and other smaller parts and replacing with a very simple equipment system that doesn't do it for me. But unlike last of us I did get into the story and plot the whole way through and I do enjoy this game a lot. It just feels a step back from the first two games.....and yes I like bioshock 2....I think I AM trying to piss off the internet. I swear this was not intentional.

Number 5: Arkham origins

While a lot of people have encountered issues with this game namely glitches and a lot of the like. I got really lucky and never really had any major problems. I found the game pretty good. While it may have not improved a great deal over arkham city I do find this game very enjoyable. I will say that while the story was maybe easy to predict being a prequel and alfred just isn't going to die no matter what happens but how everything turned out did feel really enjoyable. I was legitimately intrigued in how everything was going to fall into place. While roger craig smith was okay troy baker ran away with his role as the joker and became possibly my favorite version of the joker ever even eclipsing mark hamil. And yes I am serious. I had a lot of fun with this game....Man I'm mentioning games with troy baker a lot here.

Number 4: Ratchet and Clank. Into the nexus.

This one was a surprise. I mean I love the franchise but I did not call this one being as good as it is. It's a shorter game and a cheaper one. being half the size and price of a full price game. The atmosphere and game play is amazing. If the game was longer it would be by a long shot my favorite game in the franchise. and considering how much I love "Up your arsenal" And "A crack in time" That's saying a lot. Insomniac if you make a game this good on PS4 I may actually get one eventually. Not like I'm getting an Xbone anytime soon.

Number 3: Pokemon X and Y

This basically had to be on the list. It's a damn fine entry into the series. My only real issues being the massively craptastic post game and the fact that sans their leader team Flare are a bunch of morons. The graphics are quite good. The new game play mechanics like mega evolutions are mostly quite good though I am a bit confused as to why this happened but whatever. All in all it is a great game I just wish they took a bit more from black and white 2.

Number 2: Saints row 4

This was the world's biggest surprise to me this year. This beast is some of the most fun I've ever had playing a game in my life. This game is fun for the sake of fun and that's just genius to me. It gives you whatever the hell you want just so you can glide around using it to blow shit up and amen to that. This would be number one but it got squeaked out by a second by....

Number 1: Metal gear rising

You know I'm going to correct myself....THIS was the biggest surprise this year. I even so much as played the demo and did not like this game....and then I heard the soundtrack and immediately bought this game and goddamn that was a good call. This game is a blast and it's weird because I know some people massively dislike this game because it's a different ball game from the metal gear solid games.....these people need to widen their horizons because this is the best beat em up I've ever played. Better then any devil may cry, bayonetta, or god of war game I've ever played. This game is beautiful. Nuff said.

Oh man I hope that next year is gonna be this good because seriously these games were genius. if next year is any similar I'm going to have a ball next year.

Time of the doctor. Uh second reaction...sort of.

What the hell would I call this actually....nonetheless click here to listen to me ramble for MORE then 3 minutes

Monday, 4 November 2013

Doctor who: The end of time Review.

Holy crap I'm actually doing it. Yes ladies and gentlemen I'm reviewing one of the more controversial and talked about episodes of doctor who. The final episode of David Tennant's era of doctor who. This episode has changed in my opinion from when I first saw it. I originally loved this episode as one of my favorites if not my favorite but something changed in the way I think especially about the ending but I'll get to that in a bit.

People knew david tennant's era as a doctor was coming to an end. The false regeneration, The first of the specials being called the next doctor and the prophecy which called for the end of his life and this was the answer. On new years eve and day these two were broadcast leading to the regenerations of the tenth and the beginning of the 11th. So is this a grand finale or going out with a wimper....uh...both?

I'll start with the story then.

The stories main focus is around the return of the master and the completion of the prophecy that fortold the doctor's end. The master returns after the obvious hint that it was going to happen at the end of the last of the time lords but he was a bit different and this is the first big thing with the story. The master is less the sarcastic joker-esque loonatic and more a rabid wolverine who can't stop eating. He goes back and forth from psychotic and again very threatening to....uh chewing the scenery among many other things. In the end I do think he did a good job with a few odd moments here and there but back to business. 

After coming back in a rather jarring funny moment after the soul crushing end to waters of mars. (Seriously stop doing that it's mood whiplash) He finds out from the ood that the master is returning and with him the end of time. He returns to find Donna's grandfather wilfred trying to find him. And might I say Bernard Cribbins does an amazing job during this special and I'd even say the best acting in the episode.

However he also finds the master as well who has gained some new powers after his resurrection went wrong but is also draining his life. The two meet and the doctor discovers that the drums in the master's head are in fact a real thing and not just insanity and I am skipping ahead here but this is something I want to talk about. It's found out later that the drum beat is in fact a time lord signal meant to let them break out of the time war. This is kind of iffy. A while back there was a big ruckus over the fact that it was believed the doctor's name would be revealed. Now while that didn't happen I am glad it didn't Because the master's drums being revealed as a signal is a bit of a joy kill to me. it feels very wrong knowing what they are but It does make for a good story if I can give it anything.

Nonetheless the master is taken by a man named Joshua Naismith and made to build a gate to make his daughter immortal. Suffice to say he turns it into a device to turn the whole human race into clones of him cause you know.

He's the master.

The first episode ends with the human race being the now the master race ( see what he did there ) Donna starting to remember the doctor (which as you may recall will cause her to die. I'll talk about that later) And the revalation that the time lords are coming back.

Part two starts off with donna being fine and evantually firing off what I think is regeneration energy to knock out the master's near her. Okay I need to bring this up. when donna first had that happen to her and her mind was wiped the doctor spoke to her then left. So was it safe at first? Now that the energy wave passed is it okay now? Was that the whole thing some weird defence mechanism? Or was it actually like he said and he just can't now? It raises a few too many questions if you ask me.

We also come back to a few helpful cactus people helping the doctor escape....uh don't ask alien race. and going to a spaceship to plan out while the master tries to trace the signal in the drums. It's here I realize that these two episodes don't have all that much going on in them. seriously In maybe 4 paragraphs or so I just described an episode and a half in pretty decent detail but again I digress.

When the doctor realizes that the time lords are coming back and planning to use the ultimate weapon the end of time. I'm not sure what that entails or how they'd do it but I'm being tangential again. They would have during the time war but have decided to use it now instead of going to modern galifrey and rebuilding they decide to so screw everything anyway cause...

 They're the time lords.

The Doctor believes that his only choice is to kill one of them to stop the link and send the time lords and gallifrey which also returned back into the time war. So they wouldn't have to even rebuild the modern Gallifrey they could just use their own and still they wanted to end time. Something gives me the idea Rassilon was the time lord who took his ball and went home when he lost.

Nonetheless of course he shoots the machine causing the link and the master beats the tar out of Rassilon and they both end up in the time war. While the doctor believes he escaped the knock four times prophecy and will live until he hears wilfred knock four times on the glass control box and realizes he's as good as dead. What's funny is that It's both a tragic moment and a bit funny seeing as you can clearly hear Nelson from the simpsons laughing after you hear the knocks. Seriously give it a listen. Anyway this is where the ending kicks in and where some problems and some good things come in.

The doctor immediately begins arguing with himself. He knows that if he rescues Wilfred from the rad chamber he went in while the master and Rassilon were fighting he will die or at least regenerate. I have to say I always loved this part. He knows he could do a lot more for the universe then wilfred ever could and live longer then him. But he can't let him die. It's a very interesting scene to watch all in all but of course he ends up saving him cause..

Well you know.

He starts off finding his old companions and doing favors and whatnot for them as a final gift to them as well as seeing they are okay. To quote him "His reward". Again a bit over dramatized maybe but good. But after he meets with rose the year before she ever went on their adventures it begins as he heads to the Tardis. Here is where we have a good meeting with bad situation. The song playing vale decem is gorgeous and near the end incorporates the tenth doctor theme in it. it is a gorgeous theme. that being said as he takes his last lap around the tardis he places it in orbit around the planet and says four words that became infamous.

" I don't wanna go"

Where do I begin?

Let me get my feelings in total about the tenth here. I like him in general quite a bit sans two things but I'll get to those. He is quite charismatic and a lot of which is due to the actor David Tennant who does a damn good job. See the satan pit in season two for details there. He's likable he's fun to watch and he's full of energy and that's to me what makes a good doctor. The one thing is though he almost seems too human. Too normal. For me at least it doesn't make him as interesting to watch. That's not really a massive problem but to me it's just something that girks me a little.

But the two issues I have Are near the start and near the end. First off near the start. Rose. I don't dislike rose or the tenth but I have to say their relationship feels very weird. I don't mind sexual tension between the doctor and companions but flat out relationships feel very weird and I won't lie it just felt forced to me. Again I don't blame either actors it's just it felt too obvious and yet again forced. Plus after she left Donna and Martha both had to put up with her shadow. When the ponds both left the 11th and died he had one episode being depressed about it and it was never brought up afterwards. That just bothers me and it places this one massive Shadow over the tenth. The other problem is his last words.

While Not as bad I feel this makes him seem really weak in the end and instead of going out with dignity he goes out with a whimper. A desire of regret and unlike the ninth who went out proud of himself and rose a very weak end to a fairly strong character.

But after the regeneration comes matt smith's first scene and it's something. It Shows him as a much more comical and random then the tenth. Cartoony if you will. And I won't lie you got me interested quick. I don't really have much else to say other then not a bad first scene.

 Hoo boy this is an interesting one. On one side The master is excellent as he was before if maybe a bit overacty this time but nothing horrible sans one scene. Rassilon played by Timothy Dalton was incredible and as usual the regulars like Bernard Cribbons and David do an excellent job. But again some issues drag it down the hard headed time lord strategy and david's final words namely. But all in all there is a reason this was my favorite episode for a while. It's rather enjoyable if you turn your mind off a bit during a few parts.

But on the eve(ish) of Matt smith's regeneration the next season is matt's first and I'll get to that.....hopefully before I turn 80.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

ISWT Review: Saints row 4

When it comes down to it I never really saw the appeal of the early saints row games. They just looked like GTA but not actually being GTA. I heard the second game took itself a bit less seriously and the third much less seriously but I still never really saw the point even when they did change it up. The humor and style never really grabbed me but when I started seeing trailers and news about the fourth game my eyebrow was raised with the declaration of making it a Science fiction GTA game with the story being based on an alien invasion and the main character being the president of the united states because he was just so awesome as the leader of a gang and later high style crime syndicate.

As you can tell this game takes nothing seriously sans a few bits here and there in the story but at that point it's more just giving enough to chew on then having a deep and meaningful story. Though that's not really what they're going for in this game regardless. But let's start off with the story.

As I said you become the president after the single most random opening with one of the funnier moments in the game which I dare not spoil. Quickly you end up in a fight for your life after the planet is invaded by a race known as the Zin. You end up unconscious and wake up in a very strange world in once again one of the funnier moments and find out you're in a simulation and basically you spend the game getting back your friends and messing up the Zin leader Zinyak's simulation by causing chaos....and that's about it. There are some twists and turns but it's again just the game giving you something to chew on less then trying to make an incredible story. Granted the story isn't terrible but it's more because it knows what it is.

The graphics....Are at best presentable. It takes a more exaggerated and almost cartoon like appearance and it fits but it's not exactly aiming for good graphics. Don't get me wrong it looks okay just...

Okay and not much beyond that.

The soundtrack is part of the humor and effect to this game. Anywhere from "Insane in the brain" by Cypress hill to "Lump" by The presidents of the united states. "Night on bald mountain" to "The Touch"'s from the 80's Transformers movie. Most people know it better by that anyway. It's random goodness and it does it's job and then some I'd say. Plus some tracks are used rather well during scenes. "The Touch" for instance is used during the rush towards the final boss. I don't consider that a spoiler since well I think we all thought they would do it by that point in the game.

What about the original tracks? Well they do their job but sans the Zinyak theme ( which is pretty good surprisingly ) Most are rather forgettable.

Alright let's get to the real purpose of this game. The gameplay. Oh mercy me is this game fun. This game gives you whatever you want and says have fun with this. Super speed, Super jump, A number of offensive powers including Telekinesis, and Cryo Blasts. Now you may be wondering what about the gang stuff like calling in back up? Well at first you may think it's useless and there really is no point since again super powers but after a while they start getting a bit tougher and it doesn't hurt to at least have another target for them to shoot at. "But they don't have super powers so if you move they won't catch up forever" You say? Well yes and no. I have seen them teleport if worse comes to worse and not to mention they evantually get loyalty missions and gain super powers of their own so at first they aren't that useful but as things go on they become more useful.

To be fair though cars are still useless when you can go mach 6 on the ground.

The missions range from the story missions being simple introductory to Activity types to rather varied and often awesome genre shifts. There is a streets of rage style side scrolling beat 'em up level. there is a top down tank style mission. It's well done stuff too for what they're making a parody of. Saints of rage was pretty good for a minor segment.

 Admittedly a touch ironic in hindsight.

The side missions are a mix of different activities done one after another. A touch repetitive maybe but not bad all in all. The activities themselves range from simple combat missions to race missions. The basic stuff. And then we have the ragdoll missions. Where you fling yourself at stuff using speed and jumping powers and press a button to go limp and see how much you can hurt yourself. This may be one of the most entertaining side mission in any sand box game I think I've ever played. It's ragdoll physics the mini game. 

So the powers and missions are good. What about the weaponry? Basic guns are simple enough and have a pretty nice array of customization options. From paint to different versions of  the gun which function slightly different. Upgrades are about the same each having a unique upgrade which can come very much in handy. And then they silly weapons. You know what my favorite weapon in this game is? The dub step gun. Yes you read that right. It fires dub step. Between that the Inflato ray, the abduction gun and the like this game has both very simple weapons and very ridiculous weapons. And I think the shooting controls are pretty damn good.

Let's get to the main two things people talk about with this game; The main positive and the main negative. The one thing people always say as a negative to this game is it's identity. Coming off of the first two games (again to my knowledge) Which were much more serious comparatively speaking the third game took a lot of guff from people and this one took a lot too but less because of the sense of humor and more because of the powers and how much it changes things. A lot of people have said it has no identity and certain aspects carried over from previous games are made pointless by the powers. I will say only really cars have become useless. I still think that backup has some uses. But if you were a fan of the first style of saints row then I can't blame you for being upset about the new changes. It's not what you got into. I can speak for someone who wasn't a fan of those and I really enjoy the new style being more of a comical and parody style of games like grand theft auto because If I wanted straight up GTA I'll play GTA. But as I've said if you preferred the old style I can understand your dislike and I can't recommend this.

Seriously though I hear GTA 5 is awesome. Haven't played it myself but that's what I hear anyway.

What works though is the utter devotion to fun. Saints row 4 does everything it can to make this game fun. Every power up or mode of transportation starts off simple and any add ons to them you want pretty well come at some point. I wished you could run instead of jumping up buildings. Done. I wanted to be able to glide. Done. I wanted to be able to do a stomp move mid air to precisely land. Done and almost done twice with the stomp and death from above powers. Hell with enough money for upgrades you can get infinite ammo for any weapon types. And while the difficulty suffers a bit. On normal it can still get a bit crowded with enemies which can be tricky. Unless you have the black hole gun with infinite ammo Then the games enemies become a massive joke.

Long story short (way too late) This game is stupid fun. Some people would say it's just not the same with the massive changes to the franchise but my god it's so damn fun. If you want to give this a chance please do. I fully recommend this game.

 And hole gun.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

First reaction: The world's end

Sorry it took me this long to put this up on my blog I've had a busy week. But What do I think of this the final of the three cornetto movies?

Sunday, 18 August 2013

ISWT Review: Soul eater

Oh yeah I review anime too don't I?

Not sure if I mentioned it But I'm a pretty big Otaku. Perhaps not as big as I used to though with things like Doctor who and Gaming taking over a very large chunk of my time. But I do still find time for anime every now and then and it's getting hard to find good anime these days. With so much being either insanely cute shojo or the often brainless Shonen like Naruto or the once pretty good bleach. But on the subject of shonen every now and then something pretty good pops up having a lot of action while still retaining dignity....well for the most part anyway. This I would say is one of them.

Soul eater is An action series for the most part but it does delve into some very odd areas for what it is. Namely involving two characters but I'll get into that when I do. The series takes place in a city called "Death City" Ruled by well death.

And yes that is what death looks like.

He now looks like the cross between an anime mascot, A skeleton, and a pair of foam fingers you'd fine at a baseball game because he wanted to open a school to train kids to fight off things like witches and Kishin or Demon gods and well his old form scared the hell out of kids so he changed into this one. The school named Shibusen or the DWMA depending on whichever version your watching ( I'll get into the translation issues later ) is home to our main characters Maka Albarn, and Soul Eater Evans ( Obviously not his real name but a rather silly decision nonetheless ) Training to be a death scythe be collecting 99 evil souls and a witch's soul.

The two face off against kishin, witches and the like by having soul turn into a scythe which maka then proceeds to beat the ever loving snot out of with. Yes the thing about soul eater is that it's based heavily on teamwork with one character being a weapon user or meister with the other having the power to turn into a weapon of any real variety. There is however another shtick to this show and after the first episode it presents itself. There are sort of three main characters or is it seven? Basically the first three episodes introduce three meisters and their weapons. The aforementioned maka and soul, Black star and tsubaki, and Death the kid and his weapons Liz and patty.

I'll get into characters first to get it out of the way. Maka albarn is a very nerdy girl but also very friendly while being able to throw the book quite literally at soul or black star if they're being an idiot. She's brave, intelligent, and basically the default main character with everything considered. If it sounds like she's nothing out of the ordinary then it sounds about right but....for some reason she's my favorite character. Maybe it's because she's a pretty decent female main, or because she's a relatively nerdy character but for some reason I just find her very likable. Maybe that's just me though. as for Soul eater Evans he's a punk kid. as you'll notice the meisters and their weapons are kind of polar opposites as is the case with soul. He's a punk with a good heart and probably my second least favorite of the main characters. Not bad just kind there.

Then we come to Black Star and Tsubaki. Black star SHOULD by all right be my least favorite character being a very obvious comparison to Naruto with his loudness and well let's be honest immense stupidity but for some reason he comes off as both a parody and the character done right. I know that sounds contradictory but he just seems more likable because it's a lot more blunt while still giving some decent development to him. He's not as likable as maka but better then the third meister. His weapon tsubaki is a polite and just all around nice person. Once or twice she got mad at black star but past that she's very easy going. I like her she's likable but when she's in combat she gets serious and it all works. Nothing special but very good nonetheless. Then we have Death the kid and the Thompson twins. Liz is a very cowardly but common sense and voice of reason character while her sister out of her goddamn mind.

I'm going to just let this picture speak leagues about Patricia Thompson.

And then there's death the kid or kid as I'll call him. He's the poster boy for Obsessive compulsive disorder (or OCD) and that's really about it. He's way too one note for me since he really doesn't have a personality past that that's worth mentioning. With the twins he's entertaining though not as much as patty.. for a meister He's fun enough to watch fight especially with his bizarre way of holding guns upside down but his personality just does nothing for me and the symmetry thing gets old. I will say the fact it kicks in during serious moments as well is nice for actually having continuity but it makes it get old even faster. He's meant to be the generic cool guy and that's the best way to put it. He's a bit better in the manga later in having more to do which I'll give credit for. Oh also he's death's son....Go figure.

I'd go more into the plot but really it's fairly simple but satisfying all things considered so I won't spoil anything. But really it comes down to the villains VS the heroes. I've gone over the main heroes and while there are some side good guys they're all generally good all in all so I'll skip them. The villains on the other hand are also kind of hard to pin down.

I'll start off with who I think is the main villain; Medusa gorgon. A witch and a very crafty and sneaky one at that. Medusa is very good at what she does. She's intimidating and pulls of some faces that are rather impressively creepy and I gotta say she comes off very demented rare times but most of the time is very calm and cunning. And then there is crona their....uh offspring. Crona is arguable in which side their more then one sense. Crona starts off evil but becomes good and is a very tragic character once you get into their character....notice I'm not using gender specifics well that's because well....

That says is all right there. A great character nonetheless.

Then we have Arachne. She has an awesome intro and then proceeds to do nothing except be killed by the last main villain. She does way more in the manga and I'll keep it at that.

Then there is the main villain asura. He does even less then arachne and reminds me of itachi uchiha so this character can bite my ass! Seriously I do not like this guy but if I have to give him something like arachne he has one of the best intros in anime in history and like arachne does alot more in the manga. Still reminds me of itachi though.

Actually come to think of it the term "better in the manga" is a good way to describe this series as a whole. While the anime is excellent and the fight scenes are kick ass due to very good and fluid animation the manga has such better character development for both the villains but the side heroes like Kilik,ox and Kim. Which in the anime barely exist and have massive development and even with Kim have part of an arc dedicated to them basically. Compared to let's say Naruto which.....well has Tenten done anything yet?

The only thing with the manga is it can be rather crude. meaning there is some forms of nudity.....though not a terrible amount nor do I think what is in is usually used for fanservice. Though this will take me to my next point. The fan service. It's there though I will say past the first three episodes is few and far between. that being said if you see this character....

 And you don't like Fan service. fast.

But that being said it's nothing that ruins the anime by any means but it's something to be noted.

So I've gone over the characters,I've said the story is something I won't go over though for the record is pretty good all in all but again better in the manga, the animation is excellent so what's left? The music.

My god the music fits the style and tone of soul eater so very well and I gotta tell ya it's pretty damn good all in all. In terms of character themes a lot of rap and hip hop or alternative with hip hop added in. I'm not a terribly huge fan of the genre but it works quite well for what it's meant to do. also I am a sucker for how it's done. look up either of death the kid's themes on Youtube and you'll see what I mean It's very catchy and thematic and it works. Also I have to mention this; The artist who does the hip hop style tracks in the soundtrack is the same artist who did the rap from Persona 3 and anything else persona related. Lotus juice who may I add is pretty kick ass musically speaking.

In the same way that full metal alchemist split it's anime and manga soul eater has some massive changes between the two as well. For the most part the manga is much better if a bit more crude in the fan service nudity department but has much more for the side characters with Kilik, Kim, Ox, Arachne, and Justin to name a few of the people who actually have a purpose compared to their anime counterpart to the point of counting them in the anime more as just a special guest from the manga. Also it goes much further into the story then the anime with certain things and in total the story is a lot longer.

 So let's gather the score here. Great animation, Between very enjoyable and well made characters and a few annoying and just kind of meh characters. A story that does it's job well in the anime and better in the manga. And finally a pretty fitting and kick ass soundtrack at times. Soul eater is a pretty good anime series, a better manga and all in all a pretty good ride. Though to be fair when other shonen series include shitheads like Sasuke Uchiha it's not a hard war to win.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

And the 12th doctor is!!

So What I mentioned at the start was a weird coincidence but I just found out in world war z Peter capaldi (the 12th doctor) played a doctor...for the world health organization or the W.H.O.....He played a Who doctor....I think my brain just exploded.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Saturday, 4 May 2013

First Reaction: The Crimson Horror

I do apoligize for using a link this time but I\m having some issues getting the vid directly due to my new name change. I'll work on it and see what I can do but until then click to see what I thought of the crimson HORROR....Not threat.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

First reaction: Journey to the center of the TARDIS

Who has two thumbs and a new microphone? I'd say this guy but You can't see my thumbs over the web so....yeah

Sunday, 14 April 2013

First Reaction: Doctor who Cold war

Be thankful I didn't try my sean connery impression from hunt for red october

Saturday, 6 April 2013

First Reaction: Doctor Who The Rings of Akhenaten.

Seriously Jenna does look alot like karen gillan in the poster for this one. Maybe that's just me though.

Monday, 1 April 2013

First Reaction: Doctor Who The Bells of St John

Sadly this is the longest we'll be going straight episodes in 2 and a half years more or less.if series 8 is split we'll all need medical help

Monday, 18 March 2013

Doctor who Revived series review: The Planet of the dead and the waters of mars.

Oh I got some splainin' to do.
Yeah sorry for how long this has taken but even now I can't do two full reviews for these.I just don't have the time at the moment due to work.But however I can give the general jist and give my thoughts.
First thing I want to say is both of these episodes are great for differents reasons. Planet of the dead is a classic adventure with alot of really nice characters. Kind of like a better version of "Voyage of the damned." While Waters of mars is a darker thriller that ends in one of the darkest moments in doctor who history. They're almost a complete 180 of each other and show off the better of each type of  episode; The light and the dark.

Planet of the dead follows the tenth doctor as always played by David Tennant and his for the episode companion christina de souza played by michelle ryan as they and a group of assorted people travelling in a bus are sent into another dimension and try to find their way out.Simple story and alot of fun.

On the other hand the waters of mars is dark and very cerebral.The doctor finds himself on mars in 2059 running into a group of explorers from earth making the first colony on mars.The problem being that the doctor knows they're all destined to die the next day and there is nothing he can do about due to it being his responsibility as a time lord to keep time as it is and not manipulate it as well the reprocussions involving space travel years from then.This one is damn fascinating and I won't dare spoil how this ends.

Like I said these are both great episodes for different reasons but my god waters of mars is beautiful and tragic and in my opinion the better of the two.

There is one more thing I wanna mention that being the storyline that starts in planet of the dead and ends in the next episode  "The end of time" and that's a prophecy mentioned by a psychic woman in planet of the dead.....don't ask. She said that the doctor is coming to an end and that the one who does the deed will "Knock four times". I'll get more into that with the end of time but it sets up some things very nicely and adds alot of size to the end of time.....not like an episode with that name needed it but you get the idea.

Nonetheless watch these two eps.They're an oddly perfect way to summarize the tenth doctor and being two of the last three episodes of the tenth It's a very good way summarize the tenth but the we have end of time which I'll talk about next time.One of my favorite episodes in the franchise.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

ISWT Review: Bayonetta

Well I'm writing this on Valentine's Day so close enough.After I played through DmC I was still in a beat 'em up mood so I decided to finally pick up bayonetta after years of hearing how this is the greatest beat em up game in existance....and I still think Devil may cry 3 is better,And DmC,And What I recall of god of war 2.....Yeah I think this game is a touch overrated to be honest.
Now don't misunderstand me I think the game is quite good it's just not nearly as great as most people think at least in my opinion.But I'm gonna give you a short version of the review up front.When you beat the game one of the things you get is this video
I think this video sums up alot of my feelings perfectly.While I usually start with the story I have a reason to get to that later but first I'll start with something about this game I do love and that's the soundtrack
I really don't think I need to say much if you watched that video.This games soundtrack is glorious....when it wants to be.Some tracks are okay,some are forgettable,but some songs like let's dance boys,or the fly me to the moon cover,or some of the boss themes are downright amazing.Ranging from the jazzy and energetic themes like the aforementioned let's dance boys to the latin chorus beauty of the 4 elemental angels fights.This game does soundtrack perfectly....again in places.The basic combat theme goes from a fly me to the moon cover that I both love and hate.(it's catchy but I can't help thinking frank sinatra is spinning like a blender right now.) And a track both boring and really unfitting for a combat theme.That combined with a few very forgettable tracks here and there and it's a mixed bag with some amazing tracks mixed in.
Oh also I think one of the tracks is a remix of a song from afterburner....random but alright.
And then we have the gameplay.This is a very back and forth thing for me.It's solid and pretty good but nothing really special to me.It does have uniqueness to it though.Being able to essentially equip two pyhsical weapons at once.One in the hands and one on the legs.This is a pretty cool concept and it does work I have to admit but the other gimmick of the game always rubbed me the wrong way.Instead of guarding attacks you dodge them and dodging at the last second gives you a few seconds of slo mo time.You need to get good at doing this cause otherwise you are FUCKED!!
Not what I meant.....I'll get to that in a minute also not what I.....You know what nevermind.
If you can't dodge enemies attacks constantly you will die,and die and die again because enemies hit like 18 wheelers with jet engines.This game can be brutal unless you get real good at dodging real fast.Some people may find it insanely easy but I've seen people,friends of me sell the game because the dodge system can at times be complete horse crap.If you get caught in a combo as well you can't dodge out of it as far as I know and it gets to the point of pretty decent rage considering how many ememies can be attacking you at once.So really your enjoyment of this game will be determined by how well you can dodge so if you know a friend who has it or if there is a demo out there for this game try it before you get it cause this is where the polarity split happens.
So music is split,as is gameplay depending,how's the story and characters....A little worse then split.The only character who is even memorable is bayonetta.And even then only when she's not just spewing innuendoes....again I'll get to that.She's pretty clever,funny and even charming when she wants to be but again only when she's not spewing constant sex jokes.Her rival,love interest and a little girl she finds....I have trouble recalling their names at times so yeah.Sans the main the characters are forgettable.
So what about the story?.....That's a really good question cause I have no fucking clue what just happened.Seriously they throw a crap ton of exposition at the beginning and then throw some absolutly rediculous scenes after and it just distracts you and never ever gets you back at any point in the game.The only real plot point I was following was who the little girl turned out to be and that ended in one of the most random twists ever and I do not mean that in a good way.
The graphics are quite good.Everything looks quite nice and nothing really looks off sans one or two character models but even then not terrible just a little off.but what do the graphics show off?.....See bayonetta's ass earlier for details.Yeah this game has a lot of fanservice in wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting but it was a decent part of the game.but here's where the game's tone comes in.This game has a tone that says it's very over the top and very cartoonish in alot of elements.The sheer amount of references should give you a hint there.But between that,the fanservice,the moves she can do in combat and everything is so over the top but then the story kind of messes that up.
While again I'm not sure what the plot even is it's does in such a way that I think it's meant to be taken seriously and that really does not jive with the over the top style.It's the biggest problem with the game cause at least the combat could be practiced and you could learn to deal with the dodging mechanic.But mood whiplash and expecting to a not serious game serious all of a sudden is just not a good idea.
So let's take a look at what we have here.A game with good graphics.A decent soundtrack with some very stand out songs that elevate it to awesome.Good gameplay with a gimmick that can really mess some people up even if it can be practiced to fix it and a very confused story and tone.This game is the definition of mixed bag.When it's good it's great but when it's bad it's very confusing.The game is probably around 20 dollars now and for that price i'd say give it a shot definatly especially considering when people do like it they love it.Like I said I'll stick with Devil may cry 3 thank you very much.
By the way there is one line bayonetta says
 "There are two things I hate.Crying children and cockroaches.I guess that would make a young crying cockroach the worst thing ever"
Anyone else get a Doctor vibe from that line?

Monday, 4 February 2013

ISWT Review: DMC: Devil may cry

Hoo boy.Can you smell the fanboy rage on this one?

I was going to do a Vlog review on this but I couldn't find a way to properly say things with the controversy involved.I was going to do a not review and just avoid the situation but you know what? FUCK IT.I really enjoy this game and yes I like the new Dante.I think he's on par with the old one if not better and yes I am serious.but you know what let's get down to details before I have to bring out a riot shield.
.We begin with the new dante the morning after one hell of a party and I will say that the fact he lives in a trailer is pretty scummy.I'll give you that.But he's awoken by Kat a member of a group called "The order" who need Dante to take down a tyrant named Mundus who has taken control of mankind via debt and kept them tame via mindcontrol,surveilance,and violence when necessary.The only people who can stop his power given to him by a hellgate is a nephilim.A half angel,half demon hybrid which only two exist; Dante and the leader of the order as well as dante's twin brother Vergil.Dante,Kat,and Vergil spend basically the entire game trying to take out the mind control and surveilance systems to get mundus' dander up and get him away from the hell gate to sever it's power and in his weakened state Kill mundus.That is the incredibly abridged version.There is alot more to it but to avoid spoilers I won't get too far into details.The story is one of the better ones in the franchise and I would actually say it's Pretty good in general.A story of rebellion,rebirth,and revenge against a man who wants to control the world for his own means..

To be fair the rather Obvious Fox news parody is a bit Blatent for my taste even if does get a laugh every time I see bob barbas cause my mind just goes to "Fuck it! We'll do it live"

But one of my favorite things with this game is the main theme of it; Perseverance.Now that's what I got out of it anyway but between the news media turning The order into a terrorist group and literally the world turning against him in Limbo(I'll get to it in a second) it all feels like everything is against dante.Hell even the fanbase is against the new dante but again I'll get to that later.Between that and what I at least consider to be the new dante's theme (Never surrender by combichrist) it all adds into the theme of dante overcoming odds and everything being against him.Maybe I'm exaggeratting and that's not what was intended but it seems right to me and to me it makes everything feel alot stronger.

Like I mentioned earlier the levels seem too want to kill you sometimes and that is because of limbo.Demons don't live in the real world sans a few powerful ones like mundus they live in a mirrored dimension that can affect the real world called limbo.Limbo is a genius idea and the single best idea in the game in my opinion.It removes all boundaries when it comes to level design and because of this and the pretty damn good graphic quality this game looks gorgeous.Not to mention having walls shift or close around you can cause some cool moments.

But it's not just the levels trying to kill you.The enemies are.....well kinda bland design wise and some of them can get a little rage inducing on harder difficulties.I would say the enemies are easily the worst part of the game to me.bad design and often just hard to fight even if the combat is amazing.Oh by the way the combat is amazing.The use of angelic and demonic weapons and the hooks make combat a blast.In the second stage you gain access to A demonic axe called arbiter and an angelic scythe called osiris.You can use them by holding The R2(Right trigger) and attacking as normal for demonic and L2(Left trigger) for angelic and because of the fact you can switch between different angelic and demonic weapons via the left and right D-pad buttons respectivly you can use every weapon on the fly without having to equip them specifically or go into a menu and I love it.That combined with the hooks whcih can either bring you towards an enemy or bring an enemy towards you.It's a really nice and flexible combat system that allows you alot of comfort and variety.With some tweeking it could be one of best combat systems for hack and slash type games and considering the style system really good for the devil may cry franchise in particular.

Speaking of the style system this is another thing that alot of people seem to turn against with this game.The style system from devil may cry promotes using different weapons and variety in combat by giving you style points which would serve different purposes in different games.The general thought is that's it's much easier then the original games to get to triple S rank and while I do agree that it is I actually think it's more balanced now.In Devil may cry 3 I would rarely if ever get a maxed style rating.In DmC I may have ten times so far after the equivalent of two playthroughs.It's still very difficult to do it just a bit easier.

Alright.Let's talk about Dante.I will say from this point on is my opinion especially considering the division of the fanbase considering the matter.In other words....

What the sign said.

So when DmC was first announced and the new dante revealed I was actually one of the angry ones.Not so much because I didn't want them to change the old dante or because I thought a reboot was stupid (In fact to be honest after 4 I'm glad they did cause the only thing they could have done was keep nero on as the main character and no thank you) It was mostly because of what the new dante was like in the trailer.A quiet smoker.Okay smoking was just a weird decision but quiet was a bad move.Seriously The game series title is a play on devil may care meaning recklessness.I don't get that from the First new dante and had they stuck with that I think I could understand alot of the rage people have against the new dante.That being said they did change his personality and slightly altered his appearance.Very slightly.He was no longer a quiet smoker and now more of a rebellious punk and that was a sigh of relief for me.However I hear alot of people thought that this was an attempt to suck up to fans by making him more like the old dante.Now whether that was the case I have no idea but regardless I think it happened for the better.

He's a rebel punk and I think that works quite well.In fact now that I think of it I do like him more then the older dante.I think the main reason is that the character actually has an arc,and theming unlike the original who just had anime-esque badassery.There is nothing wrong with that and in 3 it worked quite well for him but I'll take depth over badassery any day of the week.

That's just my opinion and I'm sticking to it dammit

Now while devil may cry 3 has better characters and a better villain in arkham then Dmc,(seriously Kat is pretty bare in terms of characteristics and mundus is okay but compared to lady and arkham it's not even a contest) everything else is just above Devil may cry 3 but not quite enough.Like I said I think Dmc is the second best game in the franchise and I seriously hope people can get past their reasons for hating it and give it a chance.....and man am I glad to get that off my chest.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

ISWT Review: Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

So after buying Playstation all stars Battle Roayle I'm kind of on a massive sony binge.The Jak Series,The Killzone games and of course my favorite The Ratchet and Clank series.Oh man do I love these games.Well after three anyway.The First game had a few too many frustrating parts and with no weapon upgrades or nearly the quality in comedy It was a rough title.Not terrible just rough.The second title Going commando was a huge step up giving weapons an upgrade.It's an improvement to say the least and I do reccomend it.But I only recently played The first two on the HD collection for the original trilogy.The third game on the other hand I have alot of experience with.I got it as a kid and between the comedy,the amazing weapons and one of my favorite villains This game is amazing,but lemme start at the beginning.
 The main story is basically self contained.While some back stories like Quark's are nice to have it's nowhere near considered and really the main reason to play the other games first is A. To play them for yourself (Duh) or B for the Discounts you get on weapons from having save data from said previous games.It's basically A three fold story, First off An alien race being unleahsed on the galaxy called the tyrannoids by An Insane robot named Dr Nefarious.Round 2 being against a massive celebrity who spreads nefarious' word against organic beings.and round three against nefarious himself.It's simple but it all goes together quite well.for the sake of spoilers I won;t go too far into details but it's not really the story that drives you.It's the characters and the comedy.The characters are a bit cartoony and whatnot but they're well written in that they're one note but not beaten over your head to the point of annoyance.Used when can be used for a good joke.

Seriously I fucking love this guy.In Fact I prefer him Over Dr.Eggman.....Oh yes...I went there.

In fact two of the best Comedic relief characters ever Are in this game.The complete Idiot/Super hero Captain quark and the aforementioned Dr.nefarious.Now It may sound beyond cheesy with some of the names like Dr nefarious or The aforementioned robotic Celebrity Courtney gears,And trust me that is the point.These games have a very old school cartoony feel to them in terms of comedy and while that may result in a few groaners (emphasis on few)  alot of the old school cartoon humor is dead on and it's done perfectly.It can be polarizing but I myself love it.

While the graphics and soundtrack may be A dime a dozen (Not bad just average sans a few tracks on the soundtrack which are fantastic,namely the nefarious and courtney gears boss music.) the gameplay is a hell of alot of fun.Incredibly simplistic but well implemented 3rd person shooter.Made in large part by the weapon variety.My god does this game have great weapons.From robot body guards to a lava gun(Which originated in Ratchet 2) to the almighty RY3NO (Or rip you 3 new ones) The weapons make this game fun.The level up system and how varied the upgrades are give massive drive to using different weapons to see how crazy things could get.

But Ratchet 3 has something extra.The captain quark vid comics.While playing you'll run into Quark Vid comics which are side scrolling platforming and beat 'em up sections and while simplistic they are kick ass.They just add a nice bit of cheesy fun to the game that adds just a little kick to the game as is.It's what pushes this game into a really good place in my mind.
I ALMOST want a full maybe 10-15 dollar title of that stuff.Seriously It's pretty neat.
But let's be fair here.The gameplay really is driven by the weapons and the desire to level them up and see what they do.The actual gameplay is pretty generic as far as 3rd person shooters go.Not bad just generic.The story really is again just okay.It has a few moments you don't expect but past that it's pretty by the numbers and at times can be a little contrived.Really what drives this game isn't the base gameplay it's the unique gimmicks that make this game good.The ability to level weapons,your own health,The comedy,the characters,and the level design are what make this game good.It's a very polarizing game I think.Some people will love it for the little things it has others will find it generic for the big things.I myself love this game to death.It's very hard not to say it's my favorite game ever and I kinda want to but sonic generations still tops it.I really reccomend this game.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

In Sane We Trust Review: Playstation all stars battle royale.

Well it was a weird road leading up to this one wasn't it? This game had so much oddness following it right from the very start.When we all saw this we all thought the same thing I guarentee you.
"So It's smash bros with sony characters....huh"
No one was really certain what to think of this game other then it was a massive clone of the super smash brothers series from nintendo.For those who don't know what the smash bros series is.....what the hell are you doing on a gaming blog site? But for the record it's a massive series of fighting games with the characters being from a multitude of nintendo franchises such as Mario from super mario,Link from legend of zelda,Ness from earthbound Etc. and these games are big.By large one of the biggest franchises in the history of fighting games.One of the reasons it's as big as it is now is due to the size of franchises is takes from as well as the gameplay that fans have stuck to very closely and agressivly and really there are only two other companies which even have characters rosters that could make a decent sized roster; Sega who have made use of it with the sonic and all stars racing games and Sony.
But oddly enough it's the roster that gains the most controversy.While most of the roster is Sony exclusives it includes The Big Daddy from the Bioshock franchise which started on the Xbox 360 and moved to sony as a multiplatformer.The Opposite of which is true for Heihachi from Tekken and Dante From DMC (A version of the character that is fan hated generally and I'm not opening that can of worms one way or another until I do a review on that myself.) Both games that started on Sony and moved to multiplatform.Not to mention for some reason they put in both a good and evil version of cole from Infamous for some reason.That combined with the lack of massive sony characters from the PS1 era and you have alot of people very confused and angry.But when it comes down to it does the game suffer because of it?
Let's start off with the most obvious,Gameplay.Unlike the smash series from which it's concept comes Battle Royale does not use the percent system (Attacking increases a a damage percent and with higher percent you fly farther resulting in a ring out) It does however use a special system which baffled me at first.You attack filling up a bar and once it's full you can use a special attack that differs from character to character.You can fill this bar up to three times giving you three different specials each being (supposedly) stronger depending on the higher the level.The ONLY way to kill someone (sans the medusa head weapon) Is with a special.I was very unsure of that decision at first.It siunded very gimmicky and just off but after playing the game it honestly works rather well sans some balancing issues (Example.Sweet tooth's level 1 special is a massive kick that travels a very small distance but is generally reliable to hit.Meanwhile his level 2 is a remote control missle that moves insanely slowly,turns like a drunken elephant,and leaves you completly open to be attacked while you're doing it.
In terms of just how combat feels it's alot more arcadey then smash if that makes sense.More about combos and feels a bit less weighted in attack.It's honestly a matter of opinion with which is better and I'm not going to say where Battle Royale fits in because I'm not opening that can of worms either.It's fine gameplay one way or another.
Though to be fair alot of concepts like Colonel Radec of Killzone's Level 3 is very close to Snakes Special from Smash bros. Brawl.There are a fair amount of these but there is only some much you can do I guess.
 So the gameplay is good and often satisfying if a bit unbalanced in the special system at times.How is the graphics then? I hesitate to say great but certainly good to look at.In both gameplay and In game cinematics the game looks quite good for what it needs to be but I have one major gripe with the opening and ending cinematics.They look very wrong in some cases.I mean not only is the look off but my god in some cases it just looks terrible.Sweet tooth is not meant to be seen in Non live action sequences.I'd put a pic here from one but just look it up on youtube if you're curious.I do wish they had actual game style cinematics for each game but that may have been a bit more work considering game engines and whatnot but nonetheless they're okay and have some good moments to be fair.Colonel Radec's ending looks pretty cool I think with how they use lighting for the final scene.
So gameplay,graphics,What about the sound quality? Well The quality is great and the tracks from the original games were nice choices but it really depends on what you thought of their soundtracks to start with.I really enjoy ratchet and clanks metropolis track but the hades track from God of war is kinda bland I think.Like I said it all depends on how you find the original tracks and whatnot but in and of itself it's fine.
There is one more thing I wanna mention which is the use of the franchises.Every stage starts off as a stage from a game.Let's use the Metropolis stage from ratchet and clank as an example.After a while Captain quark shows up and so does the hydra from god of war and it turns into a double themed stage.Every stage does this and it's just fun to see what kind of things will pop up in a killzone or twisted metal themed stage.But that's not all they do.The rivalry system which has two characters at random.Some make sense like ratchet and jak or Sweet Tooth and Kratos.And then there is Evil cole and fat princess or Colonel Radec and Sir Daniel.It's entertaining if a touch random.The attention to detail is fantastic.Alot of the smaller things you see can be just cool.Like the use of the jump panels in metropolis.
Because of this,the good enough graphics,the pretty damn good gameplay, The Opinion based soundtrack and the sheer amount of customizables(Things like victory music,Taunts,Openings and ending can be customized) and the fact that for the first two weeks the dlc that was announced will be free this game is a very good buy.It's your opinion whether to wait or not for a price drop but I paid full and I'm very content with what I got.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Pokemon Retrospective.Gen 2/Johto

My apoligies if I tend to exaggerate a bit here but I feel a bit strongly about this and all things considered.That plus the fact this is completly off the top of my head And I do exaggerate a bit so my apoligies.Oh and also team rocket in gen 2 suck.