Sunday, 13 March 2016

ISWT review: Undertale

First of all let me state this. I will not spoil anything massive but I will get into spoilers about one character in particular. I wanted to get this out of the way first because this is one of the biggest things about this game and why during my top ten games I more or less told the fan base to shut up. Spoilers kill the effect this game has and can also scare off potential fans by being so loud and overbearing that no one wants to be a part of that fanbase.
 So fans I know how much you want to get into discussions about the game. Hell I'm going to later on but I have the ability to give a warning and enough space so that it's not the first thing you see when you load up the page. But If you spoil the story especially late game stuff that literally makes the game worse for any newer players seeing as they don't get the same feeling when they get to a part if it was spoiled for them. So if you love the game. Don't spoil it. Plus who would've thought this was a resident evil sequel.
That's not true.
I'll say all I can for the plot. You play as a supposed non gender character (They look like a girl but I think it is supposed to be non gender) who fell into a chasm on the side of a mountain and somehow lived. The story is just you trying to find a way back. That's all I'm saying. Yeah I want to be that vague. but I will say that it does introduce a lot of questions in the plot and while you are given enough clues to figure it out it's still quite a surprise I'd say when you get to really any of the final bosses. I'll get to that. The story really is about the characters and what you run into on your way back not so much the combat or lack there of.

One main thing about the game is how combat is handled. The main aspect is avoiding attacks through a kind of bullet hell mini game and while it's nothing really enormous and after fighting the same enemy a few times it can start to feel a bit dragged on they are generally pretty damn fun and with certain fights can throw a few very interesting twists at you and combined with the idea of either fighting the monster or trying to talk them down and have mercy on them creates a varied and very interesting play through.

As I mentioned off hand earlier you can fight enemies or talk them down. The game nudges you towards talking them down and while not at first punishes you for killing enemies off especially if you're doing nothing but. Again I'll get to it later. What's interesting though is that it often pushes you to kill. Almost tempting you to with situations that seem like you have no choice and I'll say one thing about this. There is one situation in which you have no choice but to fight someone down if you're going full on peaceful or talking every enemy down. I won't say when or where but you will have to fight someone.

The graphics are very simple but also very effective it works for what it is and it does it's job just fine. The music on the other hand is simply spectacular. It's fairly simple at first but the farther in you get the more instruments get added to the point of a saxophone solo in a certain boss fight which is freaking amazing and that's not just cause I have a thing for jazz music. lemme put it this way. You can buy the soundtrack with the game and it's more then worth it. My mp3 player was nothing but the Undertale soundtrack at one point and that is unheard of for me.

But I mean I'm being awfully vague here. I'm not really going into details just because of something like spoilers. Well I'm going to talk about one character in great detail saying to hell with spoilers and going into full spoilers to give you a better idea for those that either don't care about spoilers or who have played the game and are just curious I suppose. I will once again state you should play the game first. This game is meant to be played unspoiled to get the full effect so this is your last warning.

I love that this picture is borderline memetic.

Ladies and gentlemen. For those still here let me tell you a tale of my favourite character in the game and as well one of my favourite female characters in gaming or anything for that matter.

Undyne is a character you meet in the third area. A knight tasked with hunting down humans and while after the second area you may think that most people with that task are hilarious goof up characters Undyne is a bit different. Every time you run into her she's silent or very noble in speech about her mission until you run into her for the last time and she breaks her cool demeanor and loses her mind. Dropping the demeanor and throwing off her helmet revealing her to be a half fish creature and her theme turns from a creepy black knight theme that's incredibly threatening to a noble yet extremely overbearing and excited theme to match her personality and to great effect. She almost says word for word

" SCREW IT! I'm done with the flowery crap. Your ass is grass and I'm a lawnmower!" And then dragoon jumps off a mountain spear first to initiate battle. The change is done beautifully switching her from an intimidating knight to a full blown berserker to the point where your only real option is to run. She only really backs off after you show her mercy when she becomes exhausted after chasing you into the volcanic area which well...... fish don't do well in fire. She does eventually become an ally after she kind of realizes she has no choice. Again I won't go into details where I don't have to but that's what happens if you face her killing none or few enemies. What happens if you face her when you're murdering everything in your path?

She tracks you down all the same but only faces you when you threaten the life of a monster child that looks up to Undyne. She takes the blow for the child and sends them off revealing it to be a mortal wound. She declares she's sorry and begins to dissolve. But the like the name of the track that plays during this scene "But the world refused to die". She reforms partially and says she feels something in her that won't let her die. She knows that if you get past her you'll (the player character I should say) destroy not only the monsters but the humans and really everything. She pulls herself together and takes a new form.

Declaring you'll have to try harder then that she initiates the second hardest fight in the game and just generally one of the harder fight I've played in a bit. The music goes from her usual theme the excitable "Spear of justice" to the epic and threatening "Battle with a true hero" It's odd how she goes from dark and threatening to this hyperactive and excitable girl to once again a noble and unnerving boss fight. I know at this point I'm just gushing about a character I love but Undyne is a microcosm about this game. A character that's fun, hilarious, and just a blast to watch and on the other side Dark, and unnerving, and yet another side noble and out to serve the lives of her people. For how simple the graphics are it can really get an emotional effect out of you. That song I mentioned earlier " But the earth refused to die" I can't help but tear up every time I hear it. The gameplay is great but my god the story and characters really are what you're playing this for. Which again is why I started this like I did.

This game is something that needs to be seen unspoiled. If you never played or saw anything in it and read this anyway then anything involving undyne won't have the same effect. This is why the creator toby fox is very adamant about it as well. Like I said if you're a fan you don't need to keep spreading the word. If you wanna gush find like minded people online or that you know personally. Don't go spreading pictures of the final bosses around like it's nothing it very well may ruin someone's play through if they know what's coming. This isn't just for Undertale it's for a lot of things but in this case it's extra important because of how much of the stories enjoyment comes from experiencing it first hand. And again it can scare people off if you're just throwing images and in jokes in their face. It took me two months of the game being out for that exact reason. So fans like I've said before. This game is fantastic. It's unreal how enjoyable it is but just know as a fan of undertale or anything else. Know when to calm down and not just gush constantly about it. It can very well have the exact opposite effect you want to. It can scare people off of something you love. Subtlety is the key in fandoms. Don't scream to the skies no matter how much you want to because not everyone wants to hear you screaming.

Shit this got serious.....just play the game and stay off the internet while you're doing as such. It's great.....Um....Think I'm done now. Yeah....back with whatever I pull out of my arse. Laters.

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