Saturday 19 May 2012

In sane we trust Sonic The hedgehog 4 Episode 2 Review

A few years ago when I was just starting to get back into sonic games from a prolonged break the announcement of Sonic the hedgehog 4 hit and people were very confused as to what to think.People heard the term Episode 1 and were even less sure what to think.personally I was happy but again I was
Just getting back into sonic games so It was lowish on the radar.The game itself was Upon release met with alot of "meh" reviews.Saying it was good but was also very different from the series earlier entries.Myself....Episode 1 was a good game but just very Rough.I liked the soundtrack but not Something I would put on an mp3 player.Though I will always defend the Eggman boss fight music.Yeah It's clownish but It works damn well for the man who built the egg dealer.A machine that kicked it's own ass.But I digress.....

Episode 1 was As I said good but not up to expectations and a promise of Episode 2 after the end credits involving Metal sonic (A fan favorite character) Got alot of people intrigued but very conflicted about episode 2.the very luke warm reception of episode one had people not exactly jumping at the idea of episode 2.That and the habit of episodic releases taking redicoulous amounts of time to release the next episode....isn't that right valve?

Seriously I haven't even played the games but this is borderline silly valve

But a few months ago The trailer was released after Sonic CD had it's PSN and Xbox live releases and then a month or two later a more detailed trailer showing off some of the levels and details.Namely the return of the greatest sidekick of all time and one of my favorite characters in sonic history Miles "Tails" Prower. And then two days ago The game was released and did it get better or just more of the same? Well first of all In terms of story...

Well It's a sonic story but for what it's worth metal sonic comes back and Eggman makes the Death Egg Mk2 It's not much to speak of And I'm tempted to put up my "It's Me" Donna Gif Since I have nothing else.Moving on.....


While the soundtrack from episode one was merely okay this game's soundtrack is way more memorable and in a very good way.Sylvania castle act 3,White park act 2 and 1,All of the oil desert tracks and the insanly great metal sonic boss music to name a few are all great tracks and I'm rather impressed at just how good alot of it is.Now In fairness I did love mad gear act 1 from EP 1 to this level but Improved instruments to a decent extent do improve the quality and remove what people called the "Dying cat" Syndrome of EP 1.In case you don't know what that means go to youtube and look up Splash hill act 1 then look up the meow mix zone and you'll know what I meant.That's gone having a much more classic feel and once or twice I'll even say kind of a sonic spinball sound to it.

Seriously listen to The Eggman boss music from EP 2 and tell me you don't hear some of the tone from spinball.....or go listen to some of spinball's soundtrack for that matter.

I'll admit that Some of the tracks are a bit easy to see when they cycle since they are fairly short but I will say that They are alot catchier so all in all I do think the episode 2 soundtrack is better.Also as for The Eggman boss music It's's the Pinch music From episode 1 just reinstrumentalized.It works better but It's a crap shoot.On the other hand Metal sonic's music is amazing and one of the better tracks in sonic history and I will stand by that.Same with the generations metal sonic boss music but that's another story


I'm gonna keep this simple This is a scene from Splash hill zone.

And here is a scene from sylvania castle zone

As you can see there's alot more depth to Episode 2 Speaking from a graphics standpoint.Everything just looks alot more....I wanna say real but that may sound silly considering It stars an anthropomorphic talking hedgehog.But really It does look more real.Just look at the clouds or some of the items in those shots.They just have more depth in Episode 2.Now admittedly It's not what I would call the best graphics but it's good suffice it to say.Better then ep 1 to say the least.

One thing I have to mention is the level Design in terms of they look.I think for the most part they all look great.Not as good as say the stages in generations but that makes sense since the file size for episode 2 is alot smaller then generations but it looks good.Maybe not amazing but it certainly does the job for what it set out to do.


Ah And here's where things start getting conflicted.I myself really enjoyed alot of this game.The use of the homing attack in platforming like the turning platforms in Sylvania act three or the turtle badniks in Sky fortress act 1 feel alot more interesting then just using it to break boxes or hit springs.That aspect was massivly improved in my mind just because it fits the game style alot more and with the addition of tails for use in flight,water movement or the odd 69 of death.....I mean Spinning Combo make the game feel more complete then episode 1.That being said how is the gameplay aside from those two thing from episode 1 or even the classics? Well All in all level design is a bit better in episode 2 then 1.not much though.The Addition of tails and better use of the homing attack feels better and it is.But compared to the originals in terms of just overall design not so much.

Now I want to say something here.Yes this game is called Sonic the Hedgehog 4 and yes comparisons are inevitable but in my opinion you shouldn't over compare this to the originals.Yes this game is different and yes they did say it would play like the originals but Sonic 4 Is different from Sonic 3 like How Sonic adventure is from Sonic colors.It's Visually similar but the Feel is just different.I choose to think of it more as another creature all together.I'm Sure someone is gonna see this and think "Yes How dare I compare Sonic 4 to Sonic 3" I'm not saying that.If you want to compare 4 To the classics till you're blue in the face go ahead.But I just think of it as a different creature altogether and Because of that I really enjoyed episode 2.Now yes some of the bosses are long and drag for a while and the long flight sections in oil desert suck.....and while I'm at it the orbanaut looking flame enemies in oil desert can burn in hell and take the orbanauts with them for that matter.....Where was I?

Oh yeah the game is far from perfect but I just think that if you give it a shot and think of it as different from the classics You'll get quite a bit of enjoyment.....oh and one more thing Until you realzie what the special items in the special stages do you will be cursing them to high heaven.Seriously When you learn that the team icon makes it so that any rings that touch the cord between tails and sonic are collected as well you will kick yourself.....or not since I just told you.take advantage of that in special stage 7 or it will haunt your nightmares.......I think I need to go watch doctor who for a while.

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