Monday, 29 August 2011

So hear me out on this.

So I mentioned this a little bit earlier but I think I have new proof of my theory.For those who did not see it or have no clue what I'm talking about I have a theory that the source of the silence Now that I've seen let's kill hitler either the monster or the group though I think the monster was saying it's allegiance not species but anyway was created by The kaled scientist Davros and he's the one behind both it and the destruction of the tardis in series 5.My first thought was when you see the crack appear in the tardis screen and hear "Silence will fall" To me It sounds like a davros voice to me like either the genesis of the daleks davros or the stolen planet I've yet to hear the others.Also and here's my new proof during the trailers for the new season half on the canadian sci fi channel space you could see what looks like a bright blue eye opening and to me it looks identical to davros' eye.

Why though would he and how did he survive the explosion in the series 4 finale? Well While I don't know how he survived It's possible because the invasion being erased from time or the master being thrown into the time war that messed things up.....I don't know You make something better up! anyway think about it when we last saw him he was imprisoned by the daleks because he wasn't a dalek.I think after he somehow got out of it,again not my job to figure out how just following clues,He figured I can't control the daleks so I'll make something that can control them and everything else IE the alliance from the pandorica opens.Which also explains why the main objective of the silence seems to be complete anti existance.maybe I'm off but it makes sense to me

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