Saturday, 27 August 2011

The top ten villains finale

When I Started this series It was because of one reason.My Immense love of the villains of so many series.I adore villains.I love alot of heroes I mean I don't think I need to say my favorite hero is the doctor and megaman zero is a close second.But there is just something so much more fascinating about villains.Why they became evil or why they want to destroy and/or conquer? Why they hate the main hero or why they created an army?Why humanity hates them or why they hate humanity? It's the questions about these beings that really speak leagues about humanity itself.
I Recently had a conversation with a friend of mine comparing why Hitler did what he did and why he hated anyone different then what he thought was perfect.Oddly enough though my thoughts went to the top two on this list actually.The master actually was an eerie comparison to Hitler wanting control and doing anything to achieve it and while I doubt Hitler danced to "I can't decide" By the scissor sisters it's still a spooky comparison.

Then why is it myself and others love the master or scarecrow or the silence? I think it's because somewhere in the human mind people want to learn about the evils they can create to better themselves but then again I'm not a psyche major so maybe this is just me talking out my ass.But while I am enjoying this little rant I should get on with the show.But first I have two things to mention.First of all I want to re-clarify what things make a good villain to me and through this I realize there is five not three like I said earlier.

First the ability to defeat the heroic counterpart.Any villains that can defeat the best hope earth has even only to be defeated again is impressive.I think the two best at doing this list were Dr Weil and the master.they turned the two heroes I find the most heroic and incredible into mice scurrying for their lives and my god does that say something

Second is the ability to outsmart the hero.I know this is insanely similar to the first but It does count to me even if they don't really beat them.the master and kuja had the heroes spinning around trying to figure out what in gods name the villain was planning while they were getting ahead the whole time.

Third is intimidation.the ability to create fear among the populace and create havoc making it just that much harder for the hero to accomplish their job.The scarecrow is one of the best examples of this literally having his ability be creating fear and havoc among the populace.

The fourth is put simply iconic imagery.How they stand out against other similar villains and how their face stays with the public eye.The cybermen were the first one to really have this work for them and number one has this going in spades as well.

Last is style.What I consider to be a certain kind of villain.It's hard to explain what I think of as style but think of it this way.It's why scarecrow is so high on the list and why kuja instead of kefka is on the list.It's basically what makes this MY list not someone else's

The second thing I wanna mention is the list of some villains that didn't quite make the list.

•Beatrice from umineko.A great villain but the series makes it kind of hard to fully get what's going on with she seems off from my style.
 •Carnage from spider man. A savage lunatic.the ultimate insanity indeed but really that's all he is but in fairness he does it well
 •The Sontarans from doctor who. While very iconic and powerful they....look like Mr potato head gone wrong and then some.
 •The Silurians from doctor who.Also great but not really evil just rebellious.
 •kefka from final fantasy 6.A great villian but the best example of style.he just doesn't click with me personally.
 •Gangers from doctor who.Again an incredible character but another case of not really evil

....And ladies and gentlemen we are at the big moment.When the master woke up from being resurrected he saw one thing taking the time lord cruciform....uh click the read more thing cause this post will be huge

The Number One Villain:The Daleks

Who the hell else could be the greatest villain to a doctor who fan.I mean they are the oldest and most fierce enemies to anything alive.they hate anything that is not a dalek.They will destroy anything that is not a dalek.they are As the doctor said What hatred in carnate looks like.These things are evil absolute.I once had a conversation with my aforementioned friend with her saying that nothing is truly evil.Well I have an opposition to that theory.The daleks are pure evil plain and simple.

But why well In terms of defeating the hero almost every regeneration and near regeneration in the revived series was caused by them.hell they even went out of the way and beat the cybermen too once.

Outsmarting the hero? they literally had the doctor unlock the device that created a far more powerful form of the daleks,The progenitor daleks.

Iconic?They are the first real long running villains in sci fi and my god can you tell.The clearly old school design the fact that anyone that calls themself a sci fi fan knows them and in britain they're like darth vader in NA so that's a huge value to the face of them.

Style? I love these things.The voice,the catchphrases,the eye stalk, everything is just The eternal dalek is yellow and black and not sure if you noticed but I love those colors.

Intimidation? You may look at these things and think.Is that a plunger? these things are hilarious,how can these things be threatening? Well ask anyone who saw the first run and trust me they'll tell you.the daleks are one of the most evil and threatening enemies of all time.

The daleks were created by a man named davros who alone is a great villain.He created them from the dna of kaleds a humanoid species that are perhaps a bit rascist but not evil and davros used their dna to turn them from this this....

of course then again If I looked like this....

I'd be a bit tempted too make some ugly things too

Another great dalek was dalek sec.the leader of the cult of skaro.Literally the last daleks in existance at one time.He has some of the greatest quotes of all time and the evolution of the daleks was an interesting concept but in my opinion the greatest dalek was the white dalek supreme

This dalek was only in two episodes and while I know there are multiple versions of this dalek he summed up why I love the daleks in one phrase


That makes this guy one of the most intimidating daleks of all time because he speaks for all of them.He represents all of the hatred and anger the daleks stand for and in my opinion.of course after saying that he nearly outsmarted the doctor and blew up earth so that speaks leagues for him.

I seriously hope the readers of this got something out of it whether just looking at the villains I mentioned in a new light or villains in general.cause really the heroes would be some people just relaxing without villains.....also this is why I didn't put up the revived series review wanted to get my feeling about the daleks up first.......yay

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