Monday, 11 July 2011

My thoughts on the doctor who tv movie

I wanted to do this before I started up the revived series review and I was even debating putting this in with it but it's not really the revived series even if you could argue it is.Now I won't get into the story but I do like it this is more about the characters really and three in particular.

Grace holloway

Ah grace she's gotta be the hardest nut to crack in doctor who history.She took forever to accept the doctor as an alien and in the movie was a bit too long but at the same time fair enough though she knew he had two hearts so maybe she should have been a bit more accepting of it a bit sooner but I do like her.The end of the movie has issues with her death.namely she comes back because of a pretty odd deus ex machina and while I like the story it gave her character it was kind of cheesy.Also funny story she has the same name as the woman who took care of eleanor lamb in bioshock 2 while lamb was in jail.

The master

When I first saw eric roberts in the movie I recognized him and thought oh must be a cool little sidekick kinda like rory and about 20 minutes in I'm crapping my pants cause I'm really not sure what to think of this.To his credit he does do a good job seeming sinister but being the only american born and raised actor playing a major role in doctor who and with that outfit all I can really think of is.....

Jeremy Irons WHYYYY!!!!

To be fair his acting is nowhere near as bad but still It just seems odd to me so point to eric roberts point against the casting agents.

Slight edit Perhaps I didn't make this clear at first but Eric roberts...I don't mind his acting.I know alot of people think his acting in this is pretty bad and while I can't disagree It doesn't bother me as much as it does other people.Plus I've sat through some bad acting before and this doesn't quite scrap the bottom (See jeremy irons picture above)

The Eight Doctor
Hello paul mcgann.I like this guy even though in the movie there was next to no real relax time to have him just ramble on like the rest.But he seems like the most gentle doctor I've ever seen.between his more human side and the fact I don't think he was quite done cooking ala matt smith so I don't quite know how his brain was state wise but he seemed better once he got his memory back.I really like this guy he's so polite you kinda can't dislike him.but compared to 10 or 11 he's just not quite as epic and grandios.which in a movie could have worked but I won't be too bad.I'd say on par with 9.


  1. Hey!
    i know this is random, but can you please do post on the new Cham. Circuit album??
    I want to know other people's thoughts :)

  2. The Immortal K13 July 2011 at 15:12

    I haven't heard it yet but I'll give it a listen I'll probably just put it in a full thing for the band cause i do really enjoy their stuff
