Friday, 29 July 2011

Top ten villains #6 Cybermen

Well,well,well.Big shock I finally put a doctor who villain on this list.Surprised I didn't just say top ten doctor who villains.Enough of my self deprication cause I love the cybermen.

And no not JUST cause of this picture but It certainly helps

the cybermen are one of the doctor's oldest enemies and my god have they gone through the biggest evolution from the incredible design of nowadays to the original which looked like a man with a sock on his given they were serioulsy creepy with how they were done so I do have to say even when looking goofy they are intimidating which is a big plus.The classic cybermen were human beings who moved to a tenth planet behind pluto.(Fuck you scientists pluto is a planet goddammit!!) and created the cybermen suits to live on the planet without freezing to death.While more machine then man I like to think they still have human minds making them more robotic humans then robots.

This was before the voices were synthisized but I can still say they were pretty cool in revenge of the cybermen.And that's all I'll say about tom baker's run until I finish.

While i do like the classic cybermen the Revived cybermen are one of the reasons why I got into doctor who.the cybus industries model was created in an alternate universe as a solution to limited lifespans of humans.of course things got way the hell out of hand and a tuxedoed david tennant was the only person to stop them.But no that was not the one I first saw the first time I saw them was in my favorite story in doctor who history.The army of ghosts and doomsday.

I mean look at this.LOOK AT THIS!! This sight gave many old school fans one hell of a nerdgasm and my god is it understandable.

This was the third story I ever saw the first two being love and monsters,and fear her.I love this story.And alot of the reason is the daleks and cybermen interacting.And while the daleks came out looking better from that story the cybermen looked pretty good too.I mean really these guys are the cookie cutter,THE mold for robotic life in sci fi.Alot of people consider the borg the best and my god do I disagree.

The cybermen are in my opinion the greatest robotic army of all time.Seriously just watch any episode featuring them and you will agree.The first and greatest robotic force in sci fi.....cause the daleks aren't robots.....I'll get to them.

EDIT:I realize I didn't say that much about these guys but really how do you describe something like the first robotic force in sci fi? I compare it to describing red to a blind person It's just something you have to see for yourself

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