Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Top 10 Villains #7 Sofia lamb

Okay first off before I get to #7 I just want to point out something.Originally 7 was meant to be beatrice from umineko no naku koro ni but upon thinking about it while certainly evil she just didn't seem to fit with my idea.She is a great villain but I started thinking of someone who could actually fit there a bit better and more appropriate for what I think makes a great villain.

And now we get to the second point.Bioshock.I F**king love bioshock(Yeah I self censor myself when it comes to cussing unless I'm pissed long story) Seriously I always hear of how the system shock series blows this out of the water and I wonder how.The characters,the setting of course and I don't care what anyone says the twists in bioshock and bioshock 2:Minerva's den were spectacular,And can someone explain why in god's name bioshock 2 is generally disliked.Anyways that's another rant but I'm here to talk about the main villain of 2 Sofia lamb

Or As I like to call her miss tight britches.Seriously this chick needs to get laid

Her life being raised in the early to mid 1900's was simple but due to her father's ideals that everything was for the greater good

The greater good!

You see this is why I want a mic so I can do vids cause as a clip that's awesome.I'm getting one soon I think....off topic.Anyway raised believing that she was still more or less normal but out of college she became a speaker for the ideals.This is where WW2 comes in.After the bombing of hiroshima the goverment used her ideals as an excuse for the bombing.She didn't take it well.She basically gave up hope on human's as a race and that's when she was invited to rapture.She basically started back up where she left off and began spreading her ideals in rapture.Ideals which the leader of rapture Andrew ryan didn't agree with.

Ryan challenged her to debates to prove her theories were complete bunko.This was a complete failure as soon after lamb's followers created a religion out of her ideals.Ryan really didn't like this as soon he sent spies into her order and evantually found enough evidence to have her sent to a penal institute.Her daughter eleanor left with grace holloway a friend of the religion.While in the prison her supporters were used as test subjects for plasmids and as big daddy alpha models.Which she was forced to choose.Evantually she caused an uprising and took control of rapture and after ryan's death.

This is where the villain side comes in.She assassinates the father of her daughter so she can program eleanor to be the perfect girl as the face of her religion using adam to become a sort of religious icon or even messiah.She was forced to change her back from a little sister she was mutated into but not for the sake of her safety but so her religion could have a god to follow.but worst of all near the end of the game she was willing to kill her daughter,her family her entire followers just because they didn't agree with her more or less.She has the whole human species in her mind while she's doing this but my god lady.She has no problem destroying anyone who trusts her just for her own means to an end.I'm being deliberatly vague because the story is the best part of those games and I hate ti spoil it but trust me It's one hell of a story driven by one hell of a determined woman.

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