Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Top ten villains #5 Alexia Ashford/Veronica

This woman......she is by far one of the most sadistic women in gaming history.This woman is one of the most unsettling and disturbing minds in gaming history.This woman is in my opinion the single most devious and sinister minds in fiction.This is my response to fans of the series monster who say johan is the greatest villain of all time.While I do believe he is a great villain he's not my style so don't expect him here but trust me he'd be lower on the list then alexia ashford.

Also looks better in a dress then johan but I'm getting off topic

Actually she has alot of similar traits to johan.Both these two have a twin that involves alot of the story.While johan became the psychopathic cross dressing lunatic compared to his sister anna the more peaceful of the two.I actually kinda like to think alexia and alfred are what would happen if the lieberts roles were reversed.With instead of the sister becoming the kind and loving sister anna was she became a genius and considerably more sinister while instead of the brother becoming the genius became a mere follower and evantually would try to become her in face value.Kinda fascinating but that's not the issue here.

Her "father" alexander ashford in an atempt to bring the families name out of the abyss from which it was sent created an intelligence gene and using his ancestor veronica ashford's dna created twins intended to be one person.the above average alfred and the genius alexia.Her intelligence caused her to be alienated by everyone except her brother.On her twelvth birthday two years after she graduated college,her brother and her snuck into a secret room and discovered how they were born and began to hate their father.A moth later the 12 year old genetically engineered her father into this....

I'm completly speechless here that says it all.

She would go on to perfect the virus that turned her father into.....that,she perfected it seeing his mutations and would later use it on herself leaving herself in cryostasis for years allowing the virus time to take shape inside of her.She would later get woken up later then she said.She would kill her brother for this and only this reason.THAT is why she is this high on the list.She had no problem killing her only actual friend because of something so trivial.but the other moment of why she's here is because she not only outsmarted the main protagonists and would mutate a main hero which would lead to his death but later she would cause albert wesker the series main villain....to flee.holy crap.

I love this villain she's my second favorite of all time but why then is she at 5? Well after all of that she was really nothing more then another genius on the resident evil chopping block like birkin or....that guy from zero.....the leech guy.....unmemorable dude.marcus I had to look that up too.Anyway that's her main downfall if she comes back somehow then she may be number one just for the persistance but I doubt it now.

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